Uwajima Shokukin Co., Ltd.


We Are Working Toward Production With All Our Hearts And Efforts.


Our enoki mushrooms are cultured using plenty of raw materials from Ehime prefecture.
We choose the raw materials carefully. Our mushrooms have zero pesticide residues with our unique manufacturing technology. We provide secure, safe and healthy products for all customers.
For general customers, we have 200g packaged enoki mushrooms.
We also provide 300g packages for those who want to eat a lot of mushrooms and 100g packages for those who want to use a little.
In addition, we sell "cut-off enoki," whose sawdust at the base is cut off, at local roadside stations.


Seedlings are made by growing flower and vegetable seeds to be large and strong. Customers can plant our seedlings in fields and flower beds immediately after purchase.

Flower seedlings: periwinkles and marigolds in spring and pansies and violas in autumn.

Fruit tree seedlings: citrus seedlings, mainly mandarin oranges
We are working on the production of large-sized seedlings to shorten the time to harvest.

Vegetable seedlings: grafted seedlings of tomatoes and eggplants as an outsourced production from a major seedling manufacturer.

Agricultural Products

We provide various seasonal vegetables. We process the most delicious vegetables of the year that are harvested during their best season.
Please enjoy the taste made in Uwajima.